50+ Non-Cheesy Valentine's Day Gifts for Her

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Leave the cliché teddy bears and last minute flower arrangements at the grocery store. This year get her something special! Just by thinking ahead and buying something in advance, you are showing your wife or girlfriend that you care. Start by planning a romantic date night night for the occasion, if she hasn’t already seen to that. Then check out our list of fun Valentine’s Day gift ideas for her, from gadgets to jewelry to ways to rekindle your romance.

plan date night

One of the best gifts you can give to the woman in your life is your time. Put some thought and effort into your Valentine’s Day date and other date nights throughout the year to show you truly care about her. Luckily, we’ve made it easy for you. Sign up for our email list and follow us on your favorite social site. You will get new date ideas for both going out and staying in sent straight to you.

Silver Jewelry

Working at a jewelry store for a couple of years taught me why makes jewelry the perfect gift—it is both practical and sentimental. Not only that, but with proper care it can last forever. Sterling silver is a great choice for anyone who wants to buy something real (that is, made of a valuable metal and precious or semiprecious stones) but still affordable. The only downside is that silver tarnishes over time in reaction to the chemicals in the air (and other chemicals, like in hot tubs) so it will eventually need to be polished. Not to worry though, you can buy silver polish at any grocery store.

Time to Reconnect

Every couple needs to reconnect once in a while. Why not reignite the spark in your relationship with some intentional (and some goofy) couple’s questions? You will have an excuse to talk together like you were first dating and may even learn something you never knew about your lady love. Or try a book of date ideas that will get you trying new things and having fun together again!

Useful Technology

Between easy TV and music streaming, hands free vacuuming, and eReading, chances are the woman in your life would love some new technology to make her life easier and more enjoyable.

Gold Jewelry

The next step up from sterling silver is gold. While more expensive, gold is also more valuable and requires less upkeep. With proper care, it can be handed down through generations. All of our suggestions are in 14k gold—that means that 14 out of 24 parts of the metal are gold and the other parts are alloys. While the more gold you have, the more valuable the piece (24 parts being pure gold), alloys also provide some benefit. Pure gold is very soft and can be easily broken. 14k gold is much stronger and will be able to endure day to day wear. All gold is yellow, but different alloy metals can change the overall color, hence rose and white gold.


If you want to give a gift that is both personal and thoughtful, try something that preserves your experiences together. Put stubs from museums, sightseeing, plane tickets, and more in a travel diary. Or, collect concert or theatre tickets in a shadowbox to put on display. An instant camera, along with an adventure scrapbook, makes keeping photos easy and fun in the future. Keep your memories easy to access for the future.

Plated & Filled Jewelry

If you want to give the woman in your life jewelry but gold and silver are out of your price range, try plated or filled jewelry instead. When jewelry is plated, a layer of a valuable metal, like silver or gold, is placed on top of a less valuable metal, like brass or copper. When jewelry is filled, the two metals are bonded throughout. Plated jewelry tends to wear over time, revealing the less valuable metal underneath, while filled jewelry does not.

Fresh Flowers TO YOUR DOOR

While it may seem easier to stop by the grocery store and pick up flowers on the day of Valentine’s Day, you pay more for less and have to compete for what’s left. Order flowers to your door with your Amazon Prime account and you can get the best bang for your buck, plus free shipping. Don’t have Amazon Prime? You can sign up for a 30-day free trial.

Better Chocolate

Step up your chocolate game for Valentine’s Day. Instead of ordinary store brands, go for something more gourmet. Fames chocolates are handcrafted in Brooklyn, New York while Chuao European-style chocolates are all-natural and come in a variety of interesting flavors. Godiva is well known for its quality and this gift set is a treat for you both. Lastly, Ferrero Rocher has the ability to wrap all of my favorite flavors in one, so I had to include it.

That One Appliance

Everyone has that one kitchen appliance they have been wanting for awhile but have yet to buy. A Kitchen Aid mixer is a bit of a splurge but is a must-have for the serious baker. Air Fryers are particularly in right now because you can get the crunchy texture of frying without all the unhealthy oil. The breakfast sandwich maker, while a one-use item, makes mornings quick and delicious for both of you (plus it is enormously popular so don’t you want to see what the fuss is about?). And of course, what would Valentine’s Day be without heart-shaped waffles? They make for a much-appreciated breakfast in bed or for a sensual dessert in bed.


A lot of women love fragrance and wear it every single day. They also like to have a few options, so they can mix it up for different occasions. Here I have suggested a few highly-rated natural or organic options that will awaken the senses of the perfume lover in your life. You both will enjoy this gift.

Gourmet Sweet Treats

If chocolates are not up your lady’s alley, or if you just want to mix it up, try a different sort of gourmet treat. How about fancy marshmallow flavors or chocolate dipped goodies like strawberries, cookies, and pretzels or caramel corn? My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

At Home Massage

Stress is one of the biggest disruptors to a healthy relationship. Alleviate some of it with at home massage treatments so you both will benefit. Choose the machine that looks right for your loved one and be sure to read the fine print to know it is right for her.


On that note, why not relieve stress in more ways than one? Try a scent diffuser for some aromatherapy. Get a new yoga mat and apply heat to sore muscles with a microwaveable heating pouch. Relaxation is something we all can appreciate.

Feel Good

I think most women love a bit of pampering, even if it is in the small things. A plush blanket will make all the difference in your living room. A bath bomb will make bath time that much better, along with a big beautiful candle. And the next time you are massaging your wife or girlfriend’s shoulders, try using a bit of massage oil. Sometimes a little adjustment can make a big improvement.

At Home Spa

And speaking of pampering, bath products are always a treat. Oftentimes women use only the basics but a new scent or loofah can brighten their day and make them feel refreshed.

This Post was Last Updated: 02/02/2020

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