15 Minute Mini-Date: Catchphrase
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Our old school Catchphrase—Clearly well-used.
One of Matthew’s and my favorite 15 minute “mini-dates” is the game Catchphrase. Every once in a while we have a chunk of time to kill that isn’t enough to do much else, so we grab our Catchphrase and get playing. It gives us the chance to enjoy time together and is also fast-paced and goofy.
First off, what is a “Mini-Date”?
If you are new to our blog, you may not be familiar with what we have deemed “mini-dates”. In a nutshell, mini-dates are bonding sessions with your significant other than you can complete in 15 minutes or less. All it requires is for you to drop everything else (including your PHONE) and put your full attention into the task at hand. You may compete in a Wikipedia race, or create a secret handshake, or even write each other silly poems. You can do them right before bed or before work—whenever you can snag a few minutes of uninterrupted time.
What’s the point?
Make a Date of It is all about taking the time to connect with your significant other and build a strong, healthy relationship. But what sets us apart from other relationship blogs is that we focus on FUN. It doesn’t always take $200, a fancy restaurant, and some lacy lingerie to have fun with your date. It takes a little bit of time and a little bit of effort—the more often the better. So don’t wait until next month when you can afford a night on the town (even though you should do that too!). Be intentional about making frequent time together, even if it is just doing this Catchphrase mini-date.
(Check out our entire collection of 15 Minute Mini-Dates here.)
If you are new to the concept of Catchphrase, it’s easy. You press “start” at the top of the console. A word or phrase then appears in the box. You must describe that word or phrase without using any of the words within it, rhyming words, or sounds like words. Once they guess it, you pass it to the other person and they press “next.” Then the game repeats.
Here’s the catch—there is a steady beeping as you go indicating how much time is left on the clock. The faster it beeps, the less time there is left. The person with the console in their hands when the timer goes off loses and the other person gets the point.
Typically this is a four person game, unless you play it in what I call “good faith.” That means each person has to do their absolute best to both describe and guess, as they would if they were playing with a teammate. This game has a lot of replay value and can come with you wherever you go. Win-win.
(Want more games for two? Check out our list of 12 Board Games Perfect for Date Night)
15 Minute Mini-Date: Catchphrase
Time: 15 min | Cost: $ | Location: Anywhere | Level: Easy
Catchphrase it the quintessential mini-date game. It’s fast, easy to just pick up and play, and can be played over and over again. Not to mention, you can bring it with you wherever you go.
Materials Needed:
Purchase Catchphrase above or make sure you already have it at home. Double check that it has good batteries, or your 15 minutes will be spent looking for new ones.
Get rid of your phones and other distractions. Sit down with your date in a space where you can talk freely.
Choose a prize for the winner—it could be a treat from the grocery store, an errand or chore, or a bedroom surprise (wink).
Decide who is team one and who is team two. Rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first.
Get playing! Remember to play it in good faith, trying your hardest all around.
Winner gets the prize!
Take a victory photo and tag it @makeadateofit on instagram and facebook.
Best of luck!
We’ve made a list of over twenty-five board games that will satisfy amateur sleuths everywhere.