New Year's Challenge Date
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The New Year seems to always sneak up on us. In some ways, it is a relief. One more year done. In other ways, it is overwhelming. What does this upcoming year have in store? How can it be better than the last?
Matthew and I are not even close to answering either of those questions. We are still trying to scrape through the end of this year. But as we get closer, we have started asking ourselves the questions. So that’s a start.
One thing I do know is that we intend to challenge ourselves, this year and every year. We want to accomplish something besides “make it through” and “don’t screw up”.
For most people, the New Year represents a time to make positive changes. It means a fresh start in our personal lives where we can learn and grow, leaving the residual bitterness of last year behind.
It can also be a time to foster relationships. So often we forget that relationships take time and effort. It’s not until it is too late that we realize what we should have been doing all along. If you look closely at your current relationship, I am sure you will find something that needs a little work. And what better a time than the New Year to challenge yourself to be better?
Why not “resolutions”?
You are probably wondering why this is a New Year’s Challenge and not a list of New Year’s Resolutions. That’s because I think we have somewhat lost the meaning of resolution. When you make a resolution you resolve to do something—that is, decide firmly on a course of action. And to make a resolution, you also need resolve—that is, firm determination to do something. How many of us really make a firm decision to do something out of sheer determination at the New Year?
For me, a list of resolutions is a list of mild and general goals. I say, “If I could do this, that would be nice.” No resolve there.
But a challenge? That invokes competition, even if it is just competition with ourselves. When you take a challenge you say, “Oh yes I can. Just watch me.” Much better than the weak sentiments about New Year’s resolutions. So my question for you is—do you accept our New Year’s Challenge?
One of the best New Year’s challenges is to make date night a priority. Make a point of having fun together and creating new memories.
New Year’s Challenge Date
Time: 30 min + | Cost: $ | Location: At Home | Level: Easy
Accept the New Year’s Challenge. Use the printable brainstorming sheet to come up with a fun challenge you can complete together throughout the year. Then, hold yourselves accountable with the printable calendar and goal sheet. Put it on your fridge or somewhere in plain sight so that you can remember to stay focused. You are one step closer to a better life and better relationship.
Materials Needed:
Printable Brainstorming Sheet
Printable Invite
Printable Goal Sheet
Printable Calendar
First Step
Download the free printables below--including our brainstorming sheet, calendar, and goal sheet--and print.
Turn on our pump up playlist to get you in the zone for accepting your New Year’s Challenge.
Start with the brainstorming sheet. Start at the top—what do you want to accomplish? Then look at some of our suggestions. Brainstorm a few yourselves.
Decide on which New Year’s Challenge you would like to take. Write it on your goal sheet—Challenge Accepted. Then come up with a strategy to complete the goal. On your calendar, split up your strategy by month so it is less intimidating.
Next, come up with some rewards to keep you going. You will need short term and long term rewards. The rewards could be a date night out, a special dinner, a weekend trip, or something else.
DO IT. Put your challenge into motion by doing your “first step.” This could mean signing up for a class online, renting your first AFI movie, or buying the ingredients for that special recipe.
Share with us which challenge you accepted and why on social media.
What is your New Year’s Challenge? Let us know @makeadateofit #newyearschallenge
This Post was Last Updated 12/31/2019.
Imagine you and your date wandering through your neighborhood with the eyes of a photographer. You are going to take on the town using that little camera in your iPhone.